Thursday 26 April 2012

Lucas' 100 Word Challenge


  1. Hi Lucas, a great 100 wc we like your animal

  2. Sarah J (Lucas's mum)29 April 2012 at 17:33

    Hey Lucas. This is fab-you have described your tigalcon so well I can picture him standing infront of me! A bit scary though!

  3. Hi Lucas awsome story

  4. Hi Lucas

    What a fearsome animal you’ve created. It sounds like one of the creatures you’d read about in a Greek myth.

    I particularly like the sentence which reads: "With every stride he takes the ground rumbles like a volcano.”

    Remember you don’t have to write exactly 100 words, so perhaps it would have been better to stop at the sentence which describes how heroic he was.

  5. Hello, Lucas. What a wonderful imagination you have! Your Tigalcon description is so clear, I can almost see it in from of me. Good details.

    Consider, next time, what you want to call your creature, or person. Decide at the beginning if you will use He, She, or It. If you stick with just one, the story is very clear. Good entry!
